One-Off Approval For SBL Scheme

One-Off Approval For SBL Scheme

One-Off Approval is ONLY applicable for training conducted by non-registered training providers under the exception category as stated in the Training Provider’s Circular No. 3/2021, item 3.2.2. 

1. What type of programmes require a one-off approval letter? 

  1. Training conducted by NGOs, provided that their primary business focus is unrelated to training or consultancy. NGOs are permitted to conduct up to FOUR (4) sessions per year; exceeding this limit requires the NGO to register as a training provider.
  2. Training conducted by associations, provided that their primary business focus is unrelated to training or consultancy. Associations are permitted to conduct up to FOUR (4) sessions per year; exceeding this limit requires the association to register as a training provider.
  3. Training conducted by Society, Persatuan, and Kelab, which are directly connected to government departments.
  4. Public workshops, seminars, or conferences conducted by a foreign-based training provider in Malaysia. Foreign training providers are limited to FOUR (4) sessions per year. If the overseas training provider conducts more than four (4) training sessions in a year, they have two options:
    1. They can establish a branch in Malaysia and register with HRD Corp, ensuring compliance with all the necessary regulations. 
    2. Foreign-based Training Providers can collaborate with local registered training providers in Malaysia to jointly offer the training to registered employers.

2. Who should apply? 

Non-registered training providers under the exception category as mentioned in paragraph (1).  

3. When to apply? 

Preferably, submission must be made one (1) month before the training date. This is to provide sufficient time for employers to submit  the grant application before the training commencement date. The one-off approval letter is compulsory to be attached together with employer’s grant application for our review. 

4. How to apply? 

All supporting documents required must be submitted via email to Complete applications will be processed within five (5) working days, and a successful application will be notified through email.  The validity period for the one-off approval is as per the date stated in the letter. 

5. What are the supporting documents required? 

  1. An official letter on letterhead from the Association, NGO, Government, or foreign-based training provider addressed to:
            Head of Training Market Department
            (Attention to: Mr. Elaiyaraj A/L Retnam)
            Subject: One-off Application to Conduct Training SBL Scheme. 
  1. Relevant registration documents for the entity except government (e.g., registration form under Registrar of Societies (ROS) for associations, NGO registration, or equivalent for foreign-based training providers), and a copy of the entity's constitution or similar founding document.
  2. Kindly include relevant association or organisation details addressing the training programme, including comprehensive information about the programme itself and preferred payment methods. 
  3. A detailed brochure providing insights into the programme’s content, objectives, and benefits. 
  4. Background information about the speaker(s) presenting the programme, such as their CV or resume. 

6. How to submit the grant application?

HRD Corp registered employers are required to submit the grant application (Category: SBL Scheme). It is advisable to submit seven (7) days or at least one (1) day before the training date together with the following supporting documents:
  1. Trainer Profile 
  2. Course Content 
  3. Quotation
  4. One-off approval letter 
Employers may refer to the following link on the steps to submit grant applications under the SBL Scheme. 

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