Upfront Payment Refund
Process Flow to Renew License for Consumable Training Materials
1. Official Renewal Application Letter: - Addressed to the Head of Training Market Department, HRD Corp - The letter should specify: - The type of Licensed Training Materials (e.g., hardcopy or digital copy) - The approved training course details, ...
HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme - Coaching and Mentoring
Programme to ensure continuous process of development, feedback and positive learning energy focused on employees. To motivate employees to bring out the best of their capabilities, develop individual potentials and optimise the person's skills and ...
HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme - Job Coach
To conduct special training programme for persons with disabilities (PWDs) to enable them to work or be open for employment through gaining practical skills. Procedure: Submission via e-TRIS under HRD Corp Claimable Courses Application must be ...
Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)
To enable workers to get recognition on their skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning according to the level determined by Department of Skills Development (DSD). To certify workers who do not have any formal ...
Consumable Training Materials
Face to Face All employers are eligible to apply and claim the cost of consumable training materials when conducting in-house training except under the Joint Training Scheme where only the organising employers are eligible to apply and claim. If the ...
Skim Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN)
The Government has implemented the Skim Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) to produce a national skilled workforce (k Worker) through an up to date and comprehensive training mechanism to meet the current needs of the industry. The training mechanism ...
HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme - Basic flow to apply training and claim
HRD Corp Signature Programmes
Exclusive training programmes developed in collaboration with local & international subject matter experts, merging the human capital development needs of the industry with aspirations of the Malaysian government. BENEFITS OF HRD CORP SIGNATURE ...
How To Do Up-Front Payment Refund
Development Programme
Overview To encourage employees to pursue a Diploma, Degree, Masters, PhD, industrial PhD and postgraduate certificates offered by the colleges and universities from the government or private sector, in order to retrain and upgrade their employees’ ...
HRD Corp Claimable Courses (SBL-KHAS) Scheme - Step to apply grant
OVERVIEW: Employers are not required to make an upfront payment for the course fee to the Registered Training Provider, as the course fee will be debited from the employer’s account as programmes conducted under HRD Corp Claimable Courses must be ...
Guidelines To Attend To Grant Query (All Scheme) - Employer
OVERVIEW: -Some grant applications may be queried by the Grant Officer in charged if the information provided are deemed to be insufficient, inaccurate or unclear. -In such instances, employers have one (1) month to respond to the queried grant and ...
FAQs: Remote Online Training (ROT)
1. What can be claimed under Remote Online Training (ROT)? a. Maximum fees including SST. Course Fee: In-House ROT RM10,500/group/day (7 hours) RM6,000/group/half day (4 hours) Course Fee: Public ROT Maximum of RM1,750/pax/day (7 hours) Maximum of ...
Skim Bantuan Latihan Scheme (SBL)
OVERVIEW: Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) is a programme designed to assist employers in retraining and upskilling their employees, in line with their operational and business requirements. ONLY applicable for*: In-House training conducted by internal ...
On-the-Job Training Scheme (OJT)
OVERVIEW: On-the-Job Training (OJT), is a scheme designed to encourage a skilled worker/supervisor to train and equip a new employee with relevant skills. This will facilitate the transfer of skills, knowledge, and competencies that are needed for ...
Information Technology Scheme (IT)
OVERVIEW: Information Technology and Computer-Aided Training (IT) is a scheme designed to encourage employers to further re-train their employees in the field of Information Technology through financing the purchase of computers and related ...
Future Worker Training Scheme (FWT)
OVERVIEW: Future Workers Training (FWT) is a scheme designed to enable employers to hire talents who can perform tasks with minimum supervision. This will include training future workers with the required skills and competencies before entering ...
SLB (Skim Latihan Bersama) Scheme
SLB Scheme is a programme designed to assist employers to organise in-house joint training sessions with other registered employers. ONLY applicable for the training by the non-registered Training Provider as stated in item 3.3 of Training Provider ...
HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme : In House Joining Training - participants are from several (two or more) employers
Objective: To assist employers to organise in-house training by engaging an external trainer with the participation from HRD Corp registered employers (two or more). The training consists of organisers and participating employers. The organiser is ...
Process Flow For Verification Visit
HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme - Mobile Learning
Mobile learning focuses on the usage of mobile apps via devices such as smartphones, tablets and notebooks which allow learners to consume their learning and training at their own pace. Mobile learning application provides opportunity for employers ...