Step to Submit Proposal (Program Latihan Madani)

Step to Submit Proposal (Program Latihan Madani)

From the header menu, click on LOGIN and select Training Provider Login from the dropdown list. 

Image 2.0 Login dropdown 

Image 3.0 Training Provider Login Page 

If you face any issue during Sign in:
1. Click on “Help Centre” hyperlink which redirects to the Default Mail application 
2. Send a Mail to the Help Centre. 

Training Provider Dashboard 

Once a Training Provider has successfully logged in, they will be redirected to their dashboard. The dashboard displays summary of all of their activities on the portal: 

  • Approved Courses 

  • Proposed Courses 

  • Published Courses 

Image 4.0 Training Provider Dashboard 


Training Providers can view list of Trainers added by Admin. Training Providers can access this page by clicking on Trainers in the side Menu. 

Image 5.0 List of Trainer

Course Proposals 

Submit Course Proposals 

To submit a new proposed course , click on “Initiative” in the side menu.

Image 6.0 Initiative Menu 

The following page appears:  

All programs added by Ministries along with details can be Viewed in this page. Click on Action and click “View Details” to view more information on Initiative 

Image 7.0 List of the initiative 

Image 8.0 Initiative overview 

From Action, Click New Course Submission to add a New Course. 

Image 9.0 New Course submission page 

Fill in the Course Details as follows in tabs:  

Tab 1: Verification 

If all verification status training provider are allowed to proceed with the proposed course submission if not training provider are not allowed procced with the next tab 

 Tab 2: Outcome 

Image 10.0 Outcome Page 

Training providers are required to select the outcome of the training.

Tab 3: Training Provider 

Image 11.0 Training Provider Tab 

Training Provider MYCOID (Auto-filled)  
Training Provider Name (Auto-filled)  
Training Provider Registration Date (Auto-filled)  
Training Provider Status (Auto-filled)  
Primary Contact Details : Name (Required) 
Primary Contact Details : Email Address (Required) 
Primary Contact Details : Phone Number (Required) 
Secondary Contact Details : Name (Required) 
Secondary Contact Details : Email Address (Required) 
Secondary Contact Details : Phone Number (Required) 

Tab 4: Course Details 

Image 12.0 Course Details Tab 

Programme Title (Required) 
Training Methodology (Required) 
Type of Programme (Required) 
Skill Areas (Required) 
Quota Applied (Required) 
Course Overview (Required) 
Course Content (Required) 
Certificate : Level of certificate (Required) 
Course Duration & Place : Training Days (Required) 
Course Duration & Place : Training Hours (Required) 

Tab 5: Course Module 

Image 13.0 Course Module Tab 

Module Name (Required) 
Module Objective (Required) 
Module Hour (Required) 
Total Hour (Auto calculate and need to align with total training hour as per course details tab) 

Tab 6: Trainers 

Image 14.0 Trainer Tab 

Trainers: Trainer Category (Required) 
Trainer Malaysian : Select Trainer (Required) 
Trainer Non Malaysian : Name (Required) 
Trainer Non Malaysian : Passport No (Required) 
Trainer Non Malaysian : Email (Required) 
Trainer Non Malaysian : Total Experience (Required) 

Tab 7 : Attachment 

Image 15 : Attachment Tab 

Course Item Documents : Banner Image (Required) 
Appointment letter from awarding body : Certification Supporting Evidence (Required) 
Others Supporting Document : Commitment Letter from employer (Required) 

Tab 8 : Placement (Only applicable for Employment outcome) 

Image 16.0 Placements Tab 

Company Name (Required) 
Duplicate Button can be used to duplicate Employer Details for a new Position or, Add Employer Button can be used to create a new Employer Record 

Tab 9 : Schedule of Price 

Image 17.0 Schedule of Price 

Trainer Fee (Per Pax)(RM) (Required) 
Venue Rental and Food Beverage (Max RM 150) (Required) 
Training Materials (Price Per Person) (RM) (Required) 
Estimated Profit Margin (RM) (Required) 
Justification : Justification on price (Required) 

Submit Proposed Courses 

After filling in all details related to the course and uploading/attaching necessary files, click on SUBMIT button to submit the proposed course and will get email notification for the successfully submitted  

Course Proposal Status  

To check course proposal status, click on “Proposed Courses” in the side menu. It will show a page with all proposed courses by the Training Provider and the filter option can be used to filter by Status (Proposed, Queried, Queried & Updated, Rejected, Approved, Published) 

Image 18.0 Status Tracker 

For the status tracker user can click on button view and view the status tracker 

Image 18.0 Notifications Bell 

Training Provider will receive notifications with Count through the bell icon. The  Scenarios for notifications are:  

  • New Applications for Courses  

  • Updated on Course Proposals Submitted  

Image 19.0 Language Option 

Training Provider can change the Portal Language to either “BI or BM”. 


Image 20.0 Sign Out 

Training Provider can Log out of their account by clicking on the “Sign Out” button  provided on clicking Profile icon in the header menu. 
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