-If appeal is Approved, Appeal ID will be generated for employer to submit online grant application.
-Online grant application must be submitted within two (2) weeks from the date Appeal ID generated, failing
which the Appeal ID will expire automatically. Any request for new Appeal ID after expiration of first appeal
ID will not be entertained.
1. Login to your Employer’s eTRiS account.
2. Click on Inbox.
3. Go to the Work List section on the top left-hand side of your dasbhboard and click on Inbox.
4. Click on Notification.
5. Check the Appeal ID (i.e.,1000123456) in the Notification that has been generated by HRD Corp.
6. Login to your Employer’s eTRiS account.
7. Click on Application.
8. Click on Grant.
9. Select Apply Grant.
10. Select the appropriate Scheme Code from the drop-down menu.
11. Tick the ‘This is an Appeal Case’ box and select the correct Appeal ID.
12. Proceed to the applying for the grant again, as per the normal process.
13. Fill up the application, attach all supporting documents again and proceed to clicking Save and Resubmit.
14. Once the new grant application has been successfully submitted, the Grant Officer will evaluate the request within two (2) working days from the date of submission.
15. No modifications are allowed for all appeal cases.