To assist employers to organise in-house training by engaging an external trainer with the participation from HRD Corp registered employers (two or more). The training consists of organisers and participating employers. The organiser is responsible to manage the training venue, the programme trainers as well as to provide the consumable training materials.
Financial Assistance
The training cost will be divided based on the number of participating employers and trainees.
*For other expenses, please refer to Allowable Cost Matrix.
Training by external trainer
Employers who wish to apply for a training course that is jointly organised with other companies and conducted by the registered training provider must be registered under the HRD Corp Claimable Courses Scheme.
During the grant application process, employers will need to include the following additional supporting documents:
• Joint arrangements between organiser and participant must be clearly indicated in each application.
• Submit the quotation for the organiser and participants (if any).
• A detailed cost breakdown between the organiser and participants which include the course fees and the number of participants for each employer (compulsory).