Second Chances and Opportunities for People to Excel (SCOPE)

Second Chances and Opportunities for People to Excel (SCOPE)

SCOPE is an initiative by HRD Corp in collaboration with the Malaysian Prison Department to support current and former detainees by providing them with income-generation and employment opportunities. The programme will cater specifically for detainees under the following categories: 

  1. Orang Diselia (ODS) – refers to current detainees or persons under supervision
  2. Orang Diparol (ODP) – refers to detainees who have been released on parole
  3. Orang Bebas Berlesen (OBB) – refers to former detainees who are on licenced or conditional release


SCOPE will provide participants with training and skills development programmes, followed by placement and employment opportunities. These are geared at improving their employment potential and helping them prepare for reintegration into the national workforce and society.

The initiative also aims to raise awareness, improve acceptance, and strengthen the integration process between detainees and their communities. To do this, it is important that everyone, particularly employers and industry players, provide them with the means and opportunities to earn an honest living. This will help reduce the stigma and preconceived notions that they often face, while giving them the second chance needed to rebuild their lives and eventually become productive members of society.

The implantation of this initiative is in line with HRD Corp’s vision to ensure that every Malaysian is trained and employable. It will also complement efforts by the Ministry of Human Resources to reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign workers while mitigating the impact on the nation’s unemployment rate, by unlocking the untapped potential of former detainees. It will also help create a more inclusive workforce and society.


The objectives of this programme are as follows:

  1. To strengthen the skill sets of vulnerable communities including ex-prisoners in entering the employment sector by implementing skills upskilling and creating long-term employment opportunities.
  2. To inject awareness and increase public and industry acceptance in supporting recovery plans through employment opportunities as well as pioneering the potential group of an untapped workforce.
  3. To reduce the risk of recurring offenses through a more comprehensive system of guidance and support system.
  4. To assist the government in reducing dependence on foreign workers as well as reducing the cost of prison management expenses.


  1. Technical Skills
  2. Industry-specific Skills
  3. Soft Skills
  4. Personal Development




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