Proposal Submission - RiSE4WRD 2.0
The overall RiSE4WRD implementation process is outlined below.

- Companies MUST submit proposal through the official online portal:
- ONLY submissions made through the official online portal will be accepted. HRD Corp WILL NOT entertain or consider proposals submitted through other means or channels.
- Companies must read and agree to the terms and conditions of RiSE4WRD before submitting their proposal.
- Companies should use their e-TRiS credentials to log in and submit their proposals.
- All appointed TPs MUST be registered with HRD Corp for a period of at least six (6) months during submission. TPs should also have an active and valid registration at the point of submission.
- The proposed trainer (applicable for Malaysian) MUST be Train-the-Trainer (TTT) certified/ exempted and MUST be registered in the HRD Corp Trainer Development Management System (TDMS).
- TPs with similar Directors/ Shareholders are strictly prohibited from submitting multiple proposals through different entities.
- TPs should not have any ongoing legal issues or be on the HRD Corp suspended list at the point of submission.
- Appointed Training Provider must conduct and complete the approved training within three (3) months as per the Letter of Appointment.
- The Training Providers need to ensure full participation attend to record their attendance using the attendance form (face-to-face).
- Training Providers are responsible to ensure the training sessions are conducted based on the grant approval by HRD Corp and in compliance with the requirements.
- For certification courses, the details are as follows:

i. Training must be conducted at a convenient venue and the appointed Training Providers are required to provide all necessary facilities during the training.
a. Training courses must be delivered through the following methods:
i.Face-to-face/classroom training
b.The maximum number of participants per class is as follows:
i.Technical: 25 participants
(Technical training is about gaining specific job-related skills and knowledge through practical, hands-on experiences in an industry or field.)
c.Each participant is allowed to attend one (1) RiSE4WRD training to enable more individuals to be trained in IR4.0 pillars
- Focus will be for SME companies from manufacturing & its related services and must be registered with HRD Corp and without levy arrears.
- Companies in the manufacturing sector or manufacturing-related services incorporated under the Companies Act 2016.
- The company in the manufacturing sector - Annual sales from RM300,000 to not more than RM50 million or has employees from 5 to not more than 200 people.
- The company in manufacturing-related services - Annual sales from RM300,000 to not more than RM20 million or employees from 5 to not more than 75 people.
- The company has at least 60% local equity.
- The company has been operating for at least 36 months.
- Possess a valid business license and/or Manufacturing License (ML).
- Single client limit where only one (1) company in a group of related companies is allowed to benefit from the RiSE4WRD Initiative.
- Only one company is entitled to attend one approved course under the RiSE4WRD.
- Applicant companies are required to complete a new self-assessment form to confirm that their category in the Manufacturing Sector or Manufacturing Related Services (MRS) and that they comply with the latest requirements for this initiative application.
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