HRD Training Effectiveness Evaluation (HRD-TEE) - FAQs

HRD Training Effectiveness Evaluation (HRD-TEE) - FAQs


1. What is the HRD Training Effectiveness Evaluation (HRD-TEE) initiative?
The evolving workforce structure and technological change demand stronger and more continuous connections between training and their respective outcomes. Redefining the training landscape by transforming the traditional training market into a ‘Contestable Training Market’ is required to support on-going learning innovation. Hence, moving forward, HRD Corp has introduced HRD Training Effectiveness Evaluation (HRD-TEE) to ensure continuous improvement of HRD Corp’s training courses and schemes/initiatives through a structured evaluation mechanism that can help in making learning and development more effective and efficient

2.   What are the assessments that will be implemented under the HRD-TEE?

A set of two (2) Output (standardised) and Outcome questionnaires are administered on behalf of HRD Corp after the course. The assessment results data will be collected and aggregated into ratings, which will then be published on HRD Corp’s Learning and Training Hub (LATiH).

i.                  Output: Issued to trainees on the final day of training for all HRD Corp approved courses.

ii.                 Outcome: Issued to trainees at least six months (up to 5 years) after the course ends.

3. When did HRD Corp began implementing HRD-TEE?

The HRD-TEE has been implemented since November 2019.

4.   How did HRD Corp derive the Evaluation Framework?

The Evaluation Framework has been developed by the Evaluation Unit, Research and Development Department of HRD Corp. The framework is formulated based on HRD Corp’s existing practices of Outcome-based assessment with relevant Ministries and government agencies. Following that, the Evaluation Unit had conducted several engagement sessions / focus groups to ascertain the draft framework. The review of the framework was then undertaken to ensure that the assessment would yield valid in and meaningful data.


After a pre-test, a full pilot was conducted for Output and Outcomes assessment. Data collected were analysed for reliability, validity and was found to be consistent as well as effective in predicting the overall satisfaction and reaction of the trainees.

5.   What are the benefits of HRD-TEE for stakeholders?

6.   What is the role of Training Providers in the HRD-TEE for Output Assessment?

I.           HRD Corp registered Training Providers must ensure that all approved trainees receive and complete HRD Corp Output Assessment Form on the final day of course.

II.          The completed forms with signature are to be collected and summarised using the HRD Corp Output Summary Template by the Training Providers/trainer.

III.         The completed soft copy of the Output Summary Template must be submitted to HRD Corp.

IV.       Training Providers must keep the completed hard copy of the Output Assessment Forms for a minimum of 1 year for operational scheme (such as SBL, SBL Khas, etc.) and 5 years for strategic schemes (such as GENERATE, INDCERT, etc.) from the completion date of course for audit purposes by HRD Corp.


*The Output Assessment Form and Summary Template can be downloaded from the HRD Corp Portal under the Resources section:    

7. Are we allowed to distribute the Output Assessment Form digitally via an online assessment platform?
The use of an online assessment platform to distribute the Output Assessment Form is allowed, provided that all mandatory items are included.


Mandatory Items:

                I.         All Output Assessment questions.

              II.         Trainee name and email address.

             III.         An element of authentication (e.g., digital signature or declaration from trainee).


To facilitate the distribution of HRD Corp Output Assessment online, we have created HRD Corp Output Assessment Google Form (OA Google Form) for your use (optional). Please refer to the HRD-TEE Guideline under the Resources section to use the HRD Corp OA Google Form:


8. What is the minimum duration to submit the output summary template to HRD Corp?
The Output Summary Template should be submitted to the Evaluation Unit within 21 working days from the final date of course.

9. Where shall Training Providers submit the completed Output Summary Template?
The soft copy of Output Summary Template (Excel format) must be submitted to HRD Corp through a dedicated online platform:

10. Can multiple courses under the same trainer / Training Providers be combined into the same Output Summary Template? 

 Each Output Summary Template should only contain one (1) course summary to avoid miscalculation of ratings.

11. What will happen after the submission of the Output Summary Template?

HRD Corp will compile all Output Summary Template by courses to conduct data drive continuous improvement of HRD Corp scheme and initiatives

12. How long do we need to comply with this manual implementation?

This is a temporary process until HRD Corp completes the online assessment platform. HRD Corp is currently developing an online platform to automate the entire process of HRD- TEE. All training providers will be notified through circular on changes in the current implementation.

13. Why should trainees participate in the HRD-TEE?

As more trainees participate in the HRD-TEE, increased cumulative data will help to improve the overall quality of the training landscape in Malaysia, which in turn benefits any individual who seeks to upskill and reskill through HRD Corp approved courses. 

14. How would trainees receive the assessments?

As per current practice, the trainer will distribute the hard-copy or online version of HRD Corp Output Assessment form to all trainees on the final day of training course.

Evaluation Unit will send the assessment link via email to all participating trainees. The email may contain a URL link / QR code for a specific Outcome assessment with a limited timeframe to complete the evaluation. Trainees are strongly encouraged to complete the Outcome assessment within the stipulated time.

15. What is the role of trainees in the HRD-TEE for Output Assessment?

All participating trainees from HRD Corp registered employers in HRD Corp approved courses must complete and submit the HRD Corp Output Assessment to the trainer on the final day of the course. If assistance is required, trainees are encouraged to seek the trainer / training provider’s guidance.

16. The trainee did not complete the course but was registered and approved for the course. Does the trainee need to complete the output assessment?

Trainees who did not complete the course may skip the assessment process. HRD Corp takes a serious view of any provision of fictitious data to HRD Corp, and offenders may be subjected to penalties that include disqualification from further HRD Corp training.

17. What is the role of trainees in the HRD-TEE for Outcome Assessment?

All participating trainees from HRD Corp registered employers in HRD Corp approved courses must complete and submit the HRD Corp Outcome assessment as and when received from HRD Corp.

Trainee’s particulars and contact information, especially email address from the course application / registration process will be used to conduct the Outcome Assessment. Therefore, to ensure participation in the HRD-TEE Outcome Assessment, trainees must ensure that all information given during the registration process is accurate and valid. Any changes on their contact details need to update to their respective training providers. For trainees without a dedicated email address, HRD Corp encourages the individual to sign up for an email account and to seek the training provider’s assistance if assistance is required. Please note that HRD Corp does not allow trainees to put their employer’s email address or the training provider’s email address in place of their personal email address. 

18. How can individuals’ approach for further questions on the HRD-TEE?
For further enquiries, please email to For the latest updates on HRD-TEE, please visit: 


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