Guidelines for Program Latihan Madani: Proposal to Grant and Claim Submission Process

Guidelines for Program Latihan Madani: Proposal to Grant and Claim Submission Process

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Upskill Malaysia is a digital platform that acts as a single window providing comprehensive information on upskilling programmes offered by the Malaysian Government through its various Ministries and Agencies.

General Information
Training Providers can access the Upskill Malaysia platform to propose courses in line with the programmes offered by various Ministries and Agencies. Training providers can also monitor the status of their submissions within the Upskill Malaysia platform. Officers can query, reject and approve the proposed course through the Upskill Malaysia platform. Notifications regarding the status of proposed courses will be communicated to training providers via email

Training Providers can access Upskill Malaysia to
• View various initiatives and submit course proposals
• View list of trainers
• Track course proposal status and update queried courses
• View dashboard and generate reports

Training Provider Login
HRD Corp Registered Training Providers can directly access the system using their e-TRiS credentials.

Only Training Providers that are registered with HRD Corp can login to the Upskill Malaysia platform. Visit and the Upskill Malaysia Homepage will appear as follows. 

From the header menu, click LOGIN and select Training Provider Login from the dropdown list.

If you face any issues signing in:
1. Click the Help Centre hyperlink which redirects to your Default Mail application.
2. Send an e-mail to the Help Centre.

Training Provider Dashboard
After a successful login, Training Providers will be redirected to their dashboard. The dashboard displays a summary of all their activities on the platform including:
• Approved Courses
• Proposed Courses
• Published Courses

Training Providers can view the list of Trainers. All trainer data is integrated with TDMS system. Click Trainers on the side menu to access the page.

Course Proposals
Submit Course Proposals
Step 1 : Select initiative
To submit a new proposed course, click Initiative on the side menu

The following page will appear.
All programmes added by the Ministries can be viewed on this page. Click Action and View Details for more information about the initiative.

Step 2 : New course submission
Click New Course Submission to add a new course.

Fill the Course Details as follows.
Tab 1: Verification
If the verification status is fulfilled, training providers can proceed with the proposed course submission.
Otherwise, training providers are not allowed to procced to the next tab.

 Tab 2: Outcome

Training providers are required to select the outcome of the training.

Tab 3: Training Provider 

Autofilled Details
• Training Provider MYCOID
• Training Provider Name
• Training Provider Registration Date
• Training Provider Status

Fill in the Required Details
• Primary Contact Details: Name
• Primary Contact Details: Email Address
• Primary Contact Details: Phone Number
• Secondary Contact Details: Name
• Secondary Contact Details: Email Address
• Secondary Contact Details: Phone Number

Tab 4: Course Details

Fill in the Required Details
• Programme Title
• Training Methodology
• Type of Programme
• Skill Areas
• Quota Applied
• Course Overview
• Course Content
• Certificate: Level of certificate
• Course Duration & Place: Training Days
• Course Duration & Place: Training Hours

Tab 5: Course Module

Fill in the Required Details
• Module Name
• Module Objective
• Module Hour
Total Hours will be auto calculated to align with the total training hours according to the course details tab.

Tab 6: Trainers

Fill in the Required Details
• Trainers Category
• Trainer Malaysian: Select Trainer
• Trainer Non-Malaysian: Name
• Trainer Non-Malaysian: Passport No
• Trainer Non-Malaysian: Email
• Trainer Non-Malaysian: Total Experience

Tab 7: Attachment 

Upload the Required Documents
• Course Item Documents: Upload a banner image
• Appointment Letter from Awarding Body: Upload supporting evidence of certification
• Others Supporting Documents: Upload a Commitment Letter from employer

Tab 8: Placement 

This tab is only applicable for courses with the outcome of Employment, as per Tab 2. You are required to fill in the Company Name.
The Duplicate button enables the duplication of employer details for a new position. Alternatively, the Add Employer button can be utilised to create a new employer record.

Tab 9: Schedule of Price

Fill in the Required Details
• Trainer Fee (Per Person)
• Venue Rental and Food Beverage (Max RM 150)
• Training Materials (Per Person)
• Estimated Profit Margin
• Justification on price
All prices must be in Ringgit Malaysia.

Step 3 : Submit Proposed Courses
After filling in all the details related to the course and uploading the necessary files, click SUBMIT to submit the proposed course. You will receive an email notification upon successful submission.

Course Proposal Status
To check the status of course proposals, click Proposed Courses in the side menu. This page displays all proposed courses by the Training Provider. The filter option can be used to filter by status: Proposed, Queried, Queried & Updated, Rejected, Approved, Published.

For the status tracker, users can click the view button to view the status tracker.

Slot Creation
Create Slot / Class
Step 1: Proposed Course
The Training Provider (TP) will be able to create a slot once their proposal submission is approved. To create a slot, the TP will need to click on Proposed Courses on the sub menu.

Step 2 : Change filter
The course list will appear based on the filter status. Change the filter status to Approved.

Step 3 : Create a slot
You will be able to create a slot for all courses under the Approved status. To create a slot, click on Edit and proceed to the slot tab.

Fill in all information on slot tab and click the save button. The courses will then be published and made available on the Upskill Malaysia Portal.

Published Courses (Not applicable for PLM initiatives)
Published Courses can be viewed upon clicking Published Courses on the side menu.

Applications (Not applicable for PLM initiative)

To view applicants who have applied for courses, click Action button and Applications.

All applicants' lists will be appeared as per below

Approve applicant (Not applicable for PLM initiative)
Click the action button and go to Update. The details of applicants will appear as per below.

Click on the button to process the application.

Grant Submission
The training provider will be able to submit a grant based on the quota applied after the course enrolment.

Step 1 : Grant application
To submit a grant, click Published Courses. Select the action button and click on grant application

The grant details will appear as below

Step 2: Select slot
Click on slot tab and choose the slot

Go to the Other Attachment tab and upload the necessary attachments.

Image 30.0 Other attachment tab

Click submit button to submit your grant application

Add Applicant
Training providers need to add applicant list manually after grant submission based on the quota applied during slot creation.

Step 1 : Add list applicant
To add applicant list, click Published Courses. Select the action button and click on Applications.

Image 31.0 Application menu

The list page containing the applicants will appear once you click on the Application menu.

Image 32.0 Individual list page

Click on the Add Applicant button

Image 33.0 Button Add Applicant

The course module page will be appear after you press Add Applicant.

Image 34.0 Course module page

Select session (slot session) to add applicant.

Image 35.0 Session (slot session) functionality

Once Training provides select the session, the quota of application will be appeared based on slot creation. But please be informed the numbers will be deducted based on applicant number has been create by training provider. Once training provider select the session, the field regarding input of trainee will be appear. Keyin the field provided.

Image 36.0 page input of trainee

To add more field, click the Add applicant button.

Image 37.0 Add Applicant list

Step 2: Submit applicant
Click the Submit button after filling in the list of applicants based on allocated quota.

Image 38.0 Submit button

Claim Submission
The training provider will be able to submit a claim submission after completing the training.

Step 1 : Claim Application
To submit a claim, click Published Courses. Select the action button and click on Claim Upon Completion

Image 39.0 Claim upon completion button

The claim page will be appeared and please select slot.
Please select a slot on the Claim Page

Image 40.0 Slot selection

The applicant list will be appear on applicant list

Image 41.0 Applicant List

Please tick on the trainee you would like to proceed with claim

Image 42.0 Tick on applicant

Image 43.0 Upload document

Step 2 : Submit Claim
Once complete tick on declaration and click submit button. Popup successfully submitted will be appeared.
Click the submit button after completing your declaration. A pop-up indicating your successful submission will then appear.

Image 44.0 Popup successfully submitted


Image 45.0 Notifications Bell

Training Providers will receive notifications with counts through the bell icon. You will get new
notifications for:
• New Applications for Courses
• Updates on Course Proposals Submitted 


Image 46.0 Language Option

Training Providers can change the Portal Language to either English or Bahasa Malaysia.


Image 47.0 Sign Out

To log out of their account, Training Providers can click the Sign Out button available under the Profile
icon on the header menu.

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