Contractual Obligations - RiSE4WRD 2.0
6.1 All successful Companies and TP's will receive the Letter of Appointment (LOA) via email.
6.2 The Companies MUST agree to the terms and conditions of the LOA and acknowledge their acceptance. No responses within the time frame will be considered as non-acceptance of the LOA and the proposal approval will be revoked and rejected.
6.3 The LOA shall be valid for a term of three (3) months from the date of issuance and all trainings must be completed therein.
6.4 HRD Corp will not provide any extension to the time period.
6.5 The LOA shall be deemed legally binding and effective upon acceptance.
6.6 HRD Corp reserves the right to take legal action if the Companies/TPs fail to comply with the terms and conditions prescribed in and/ or outlined in the LOA.
6.7 At all material times, the Companies and TPs shall be responsible for the acknowledgement and acceptance action on the RiSE4WRD Portal. All acceptances will be deemed authorised by HRD Corp.
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